Amadou Kane

Amadou Kane

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy Senegal

Amadou KANE was born on January 05, 1973 in Agnam Civol in the region of Matam in Senegal.

I am a PhD in Physics specialized in Solar, Materials and systems with proven capabilities and strong expertise in energy storage, thermal solar power plants, solar homes and renewable energies. I am a temporary assistant at Cheikh Anta Diop University and Alioune Diop University of Bambey in charge of socio-economic aspects of energy, solar thermal power plants and energy storage.

I am also Graduate of Advanced Studies in Applied Energy Physics; I evaluated the environmental impact of wastewater in Senelec's energy production units using BOD5, COD, Kjeldahl nitrogen and suspended solids. I also studied the treatment of water in demineralized water stations.

As a Design Electromechanical Engineer, I studied the technical losses in Senelec's distribution networks and proposed solutions to improve network quality.

I hold a Certificate of Aptitude in Secondary Education Physics and Chemistry; I taught at the high school level.

I managed the training and professional development center of Senelec where I was in charge of the elaboration of the specifications, the organization of the training actions, the improvement and / or the adaptation of the personnel.

I led the capacity building project of WAPP (West African Power Pool) member companies for three years.

I also hold a Master's degree in Physics and Chemistry.

During 12 years of career in the Sales Department at Senelec , I participated in the update of the commercial procedures, I elaborated business practices , made dashboards for the monitoring of the performance indicators . As trainer , I made documents for the training of Staff.

I also have the implementation of Senelec's new tarification schedule in the System of customer information in 2008.
As the demand management coordinator at the Permanent Secretariat to Energy, I am in charge of the follow-up of the projects, the technical study of the spontaneous offers in the sector of the energy and I am in relation with the sub-regional organizations like OMVS and OMVG in the field of hydropower.