Anatoly Golomolzin

Anatoly Golomolzin

Deputy Head, FAS Russia

Was born on November 27, 1960 in Kyahta, Buryat ASSR; graduated from Irkutsk Politechnical Institute on specialty «Automotive Systems of Management» in 1983; graduated from the study course in Academy of National Economics of Russian Government on specialty «Government and Municipal Management» in 1997. Has PhD in Technical Sciences.

1983-1995 worked in Siberian Energy Institute, dealt with problems of developing heat supply, atom energy, natural gas industry, issues of risk and security, and also subjects of formation market relations in energy.

Since 1995 have been working in antimonopoly bodies. Was an Adviser to Chairman of the State Committee for Antimonopoly Policy, Head of Energy Division of Business Restrictive Practice of the Department of the State Committee for Antimonopoly Policy, Head of Department on Business Restrictive Practice and Antimonopoly Control in Fuel & Energy, Transportation, and Communication of the State Committee for Antimonopoly Policy.

January 1999 – June 2000 – Head of Department on Antimonopoly Policy on Fuel & Energy, Transportation, and Communication of Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Entrepreneurship.

In June 2000 was appointed as a Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Entrepreneurship (MAP Russia). He coordinated control issues of antimonopoly legislation observance in Fuel & Energy Complex, Transportation and also state regulation of natural monopolies.

In April 2004 was appointed as a Deputy Head of Federal Antimonopoly Service.
Coordinating spheres: Fuel & Energy Complex, Communication and Information Technologies.

Mr. Golomolzin was appointed as the Head of the Headquarters for joint investigations with the ICAP in May 2006.

Anatoly Golomolzin, Deputy Head, FAS Russia will be speaking at the European Gas Conferenc