Arthur Jiantao Yan

Arthur Jiantao Yan

Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, OilChem

Arthur Jiantao Yan has over 20 years of energy industry experiences.

He is currently Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer of OilChem and Executive Director of Fidelity Energy Holdings Limited where he works through the full energy value chain. He was the Head of Policy, Industry & Regulatory Affairs at BP China. Prior to that, he was the primary equity analyst of Goldman Sachs covering oil-related majors, services, and engineering stocks in mainland China and Hong Kong capital markets. He was a top-ranked energy analyst for II All-China Research by global institutional investors.

Previously he was the strategic consultant and business development manager at IHS/CERA, advising the Chinese energy and financial firms investing globally. In the 1990s, he worked for The Wing Group (Enron-backed development firm) in China developing LNG terminal and power generation plants and for an entity of China’s Ministry of Commerce.

Recently, he promoted the listing of China’s crude oil futures in Shanghai and was a peer reviewer of International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook and other publications. He was the co-author of the best selling book Top Charts for Crude Futures and the Chinese reviewer of Daniel Yergin’s book The Quest.

A native Chinese, Mr. Yan holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing, where he is the guest professor in industrial economics, and an MBA degree from Rice University in Houston, where he was part-time research assistant at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.

闫建涛先生拥有逾20年的相关行业经验,现为隆众资讯副总经理兼首席战略官。先后任职于美国IHS/剑桥能源咨询公司、美国高盛集团投资银行(首席中国油气分析师)、BP英国石油公司(中国政策、行业及监管事务首席)等行业领先并均以研究著称的国际公司。曾为美国贝克国务卿公共政策研究院研究助理、国际能源署IEA《世界能源展望》年度报告评审人、期货公司推介上海原油期货上市专家。《能源重塑世界》中文版校稿人和热销书《图解原油期货》作者。同时担任Oil Sage特约研究员、对外经济贸易大学产业经济学客座教授、中国人民大学国家能源环境及气候概论讲座教授、中国人民大学国际能源战略研究中心研究员、四川石油天然气发展研究中心(西南石油大学)特约教授。在美国休斯顿学习工作近7年。
