Douglas Rezende

Douglas Rezende

Distributed Generation Manager at Enerlife (EPC)

Douglas Rezende is speaking on the Renewables energy project development in Brazil´s power market: doing business beyond auctions panel at the 2018 South America Energy Week

Professional Background

  • Enerlife – The Company has been developing renewable energy projects in more than 25 countries around the world.

Current Position: Distributed Generation (DG) Manager Brazil – Head of DG department, responsible to financial, commercial and technical activities. Development of business plan to present to the Portuguese board. Responsible to the Institucional Communication and Regulatory issues.

  • CGI Latin America – One of the five biggest consultant company around the world with operations on business and IT sector and employing about 72,000 people worldwide.

Position: Specialist Consultant – Project Manager at AES Eletropaulo Operational Center Modernization Project. The AES Technical department employing about 4,000 people and is responsible to the energy supply about 8 million customer (32 million people) at São Paulo. The project implements new technologies from GE Energy products and review business process for all company.

  • Energybras – Renewable Energy Company with focus in Micro generation Solar PV Projects and Energy Efficiency Consultant.

Position: Consultant (2013/2014) – Technical Manager of all Solar PV Project of the company. Technical processes review. Performance in technical proposal, feasibility analysis, management and implementation of low-power projects and medium voltage. Development of physical and financial schedules. Development, implementation and management of energy efficiency projects aimed at reducing energy costs for companies, commercial buildings and industrial processes. Experience with people management, leading technical team.

  • Merial Animal Health, a SANOFI Company (2014) – Merial is a global animal health company with operations in more than 150 countries and employing 62,000 people worldwide.

Position: Project Energy Engineer (2014)

Main activities: Strategic Project Management with focus in energy conservation. Feasibility study to energy reduction consumption for Brazilian sites. Energy contract management. Renewable energy production evaluate.

Highlights: Sanofi and Schneider Project – A global agreement that has focus on action plans to energy conservation

Intelligent Consumption Project – Communication campaign to achieve the employees awareness about energy consumption.

  • CPFL Energia – Brazilian company focused on Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Commercialization with 7,000 employees. Project Management at Tauron Project, the most important value initiative of this company that provides about U$ 100 mi of investments in technology up to 2014.

Position: Project Engineer (Jan/2011 to may/2014)

Main Activities: Project Management of software implementation for field service and operational center. Responsible for Change Management for 7,000 employees.

Position: Electric Distribution System Technician (Mar/2004 to Jan/2011)

Main Activities: Monitoring and remote control of electric network equipments and substations. Real time control of supply evolution. Solutions development to increase the department efficiency. Presentations in Seminars about Brazilian Electric Network Management. Development and Management of Training Programs. Leadership of field service crew and technicians.

Position: Field Service Technician (Oct/2000 to Mar/2004)

Main Activities: Maintenance and operation in the electric network, equipments and substations. Contact with customers. Background in equipment class type 15 kV.

EXTRA Professional Background

  • Presentations on International Seminars about Renewable Energy Source and Environment

Solid Waste for Energy Generation

  • 4th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM) Extremadura University (Mérida – Espanha) & Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (Portugal). (May, 2011)
  • 6th Annual International Symposium on Environment Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) – Greece. (May, 2011)