Jean-Guillaume Péladan
Fund Manager, Head of Environmental Strategy
Jean-Guillaume Péladan started as an engineer in wastewater treatment then as a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. From 2002 to 2009, he managed and transformed several business units of Suez’s waste management branch. In 2010, he joined the French Environment and Energy Management Agency to build and manage the department dedicated to the “Programme des Investissements d'Avenir” (Investments for the Future Program), a €3.3bn, State aid and equity fund, targeting innovation for the energy and ecological transition. In 2015, he joined Sycomore AM to build a green impact investing strategy. He launched the Sycomore Eco Solutions fund which became the first global listed equity fund to get the French State's Green Certification (Energy and Ecological Transition for the Climate, EETC) in 2016. In 2017, his work led to the development of an advanced metric, the Net Environmental Contribution™ (NEC), which is now fully deployed over Sycomore AM’s €8bn of assets under management.
Environmental expert, lecturer and writer, Jean-Guillaume has been engaged in NGO, such as the Shift Project, the French Center of Young Entrepreneurs and currently the French Sustainable Investment Forum.