Jorge Rauber

Jorge Rauber

General Manager, Central Puerto SA

Jorge Rauber is general Manager of Central Puerto SA, one of the leading power generation companies in Argentina. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering form de Universidad Nacional de La Plata and post graduate degrees in Electrical Market Administration form the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires and a post graduate degree in Business from the Universidad Di Tella. Through its subsidiary CP Renovables, Central Puerto is currently developing and operating several wind farms in different regions of Argentina.

Mr. Rauber has a wide experience in the electricity market where he worked as Commercial Manager of hydro and thermal generation firms, as well as General Manager of AES Argentina Generación. Before joining Central Puerto, in 2017, he served as General Manager of Subterráneos de Buenos Aires, a State own company responsible for the underground public transportation in the city of Buenos Aires.

Between 2003 and 2006 he also server as member of the Board of Director of Cammesa, independent, the company in charge of the electricity system operation

Jorge will be speaking on the RenovAr 4 vs MATER Panel at the 2019 South America Assembly: Southern Edition 

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