Manuel Alegria Constantino

Manuel Alegria Constantino

Contracts Director, Petrobal

From 1978 to 1988, Manuel Alegria Constantino worked in the construction of the Metropolitan Transport System (METRO) in Mexico City, and participated in the supervision of activities, control, budgets and estimates for the work carried out.

Manuel worked for Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) during 25 years, most of them in PEMEX Exploration and Production, where he held several positions, such as Manager of Administration and Finance, Supply Strategies Manager, Deputy Director of the Coordination of Marine Services and Executive Coordinator of Advisors of the General Director of PEMEX Exploration and Production, where he carried out, among other activities, budgets, finances, procurement of works, goods and services, as well as the logistics of services for offshore operations, engineering and maintenance of production facilities.

He currently serves as Director of Administration and Contract Processes, in PetroBal S.A.P.I. de C.V., participating in the bidding processes convened by the National Hydrocarbons Commission.


  • Graduated from the School of Engineering and Architecture in the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, he obtained a degree in Civil Engineering.
  • Studied his Master’s Degree in Economic and Financial Engineering in University La Salle.
  • Attended the Program of Administration of Public Entities at the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública
  • He studied the Program for Top Management for Business Executives in the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa(IPADE).