Mohamed Rali Badissy
Senior Attorney for Energy and Finance, US Department of Commerce
Mohamed Rali Badissy is the Senior Attorney for Energy and Finance with the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) in the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Mr. Badissy directs all CLDP technical assistance and advisory services related to facilitating foreign investment in energy, power and infrastructure projects including CLDP’s support for USAID’s Power Africa and the State Department’s Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative. Prior to joining CLDP, Mr. Badissy practiced with the International Dispute Resolution and Public International Law groups of Latham & Watkins LLP in New York and Dubai focusing on representing sovereigns in arbitrations involving transboundary disputes, upstream and downstream energy projects, expropriation, project finance and international trade. Mr. Badissy lives in Washington DC with his wife and two children.