Nelisiwe Magubane

Nelisiwe Magubane

Chairperson, Matleng Energy Solutions

Ms Nelisiwe Magubane holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, registered electrical engineer and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration. She started her career in Eskom, a South African electricity utility. After a stint in the private sector as a consulting electrical engineer, she joined the Department of Minerals and Energy as the Chief Director responsible for the restructuring of the electricity sector, planning and implementation of the electrification programme. She was later appointed as a Deputy Director General responsible for the development of the policies that govern the electricity, nuclear and clean energy in South Africa. Her extensive engagement in the Southern African region power sector includes Cahora Bassa power system negotiations with Government of Mozambique and Government of Portugal, the Grand Inga Treaty with the Governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Angola, Republic of Namibia and Republic of Botswana to name a few.

She was appointed as Director General of Energy in December 2009. She was responsible, amongst other things, of the development of the Integrated Resource Plan, improved access to electricity for over a million households in four years.

Ms Magubane established the Department of Energy. Under her stewardship, the Department of Energy achieved, amongst other things:

  • The development and implementation of the Integrated Resource Plan;
  • Investments of US$ 13 billion by the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) through the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Programme (REIPPP);
  • Procurement of 1000 MW power generation programme through Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) by Independent Power Producers;
  • Under a stewardship, the Department of Energy received 4 international awards for successful and transparent procurement of the REIPPP;
  • Improved access to electricity for over a million households; and
  • Completed the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP), which is South Africa’s vision 2050 for the energy sector.

Ms Magubane is an expert advisor in energy regulation, policy and procurement. She is currently working advising the Government of Tanzania on the design of their reverse auctions. She is also working with the Tetratech team in restructuring Tanesco, the Tanzanian electricity utility, as part of Power Africa Transactions and Reform Program (PATRP).

Ms Magubane is a former member of the Engineering Council of South Africa and a Chairperson of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee. She has been named one of the top 50 most influential figures in the Southern African Power sector by the ESI Africa Magazine.

Ms Magubane’s contract with the Department of Energy ended in November 2014. As an entrepreneur, she has established Matleng Energy Solutions, a 70% women owned company that provides energy solutions. She has also been appointed to the Board of State Information Technology Agency (SITA) as a Non – Executive director. She has also been appointed as a member of the Thebe Energy and Resources Advisory Council, which advises Thebe Investments on strategy.

Ms Magubane was invited to present and moderate a session on “Renewable Energy” during the Energy Indaba that was held between 7th and 8th of December 2017 hosted by the Department of Energy, Republic of South Africa. She has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director for Eskom Holdings SOC LTD.