Paula Pinho
Acting Director, Directorate A Energy Policy, European Commission
Paula Pinho is Head of Unit and currently acting Director at the Directorate-General Energy in the European Commission. As Head of the Unit she is responsible for the Energy Policy Coordination and notably for strategy, planning and legal questions.
She has been previously Member of Cabinet of EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger both in his quality of Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and during his mandate as EU Commissioner for Energy. She was then responsible for energy security and infrastructure and the overall coordination of the international dimension of energy policy.
As a member of the Cabinet, she has been involved in the trilateral gas talks between the EU, Russia and Ukraine. She has also been involved in the negotiations of the Southern Corridor and the EU negotiations with Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan regarding the Trans-Caspian pipeline.
More recently, Paula has coordinated the preparation and adoption of the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” package, adopted by the European Commission on 30 November 2016. Paula represented the Commission in the negotiations of the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union, which entered into force in Dec. 2018. In her current responsibilities, Paula is responsible notably for the overall coordination of the assessment of the national Energy and Climate Plans.
Paula speaks fluently Portuguese, German, English and French, as well as Spanish and Italian.
Paula Pinho, Acting Director, Directorate A Energy Policy, European Commission will be speaking at the Energy Capital Leaders Assembly, 13 November, Paris 2019.