Raúl Puente

Raúl Puente

Director General de Almacenamientos Subterráneos, CYDSA

Raúl Puente has 5 years of experience in the Mexican energy sector and is responsible for the underground hydrocarbon storage business unit of Cydsa. This company provides solutions for underground hydrocarbon storage in salt caverns for the Mexican energy industry in an industrial park in the area around the area of ​​Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. Today there is a salt cavern in service to store LP Gas, and 3 practically finished salt caverns. This industrial park has the potential to develop up to a total of 14 caverns for underground storage of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas.

In his previous experience, he worked in the insurance and risk management industry in different roles within CEMEX in the company's risk management, as well as within Aon Mexico, as one of the leaders in insurance, bond and capital solutions human, in roles of Planning, Innovation, Marketing and Commercial.

Raúl Puente has a Masters in Administration from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin; He is a Chemical Engineer Administrator by the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Raúl Puente will be speaking on the STORAGE PROJECTS – GAS, FUELS, & RETAIL MARKETS  panel at the 2020 Mexico Assembly

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