GLJ is a premier oil and gas resource consulting firm located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They are the market leader in Canadian evaluations and have dedicated professionals with the experience, expertise, and reputation to handle essentially any petroleum resource assessment situation worldwide.

Along with extensive industry experience in conventional Canadian and international oil and gas project evaluations, GLJ also specialize in detailed assessments of unconventional resources.

GLJ’s in-depth industry knowledge and distinguished reputation benefits a diverse group of clients from small business to large integrated multi-national E&P’s, as well as financial institutions. Their dedicated team of engineering and geoscience professionals is committed to providing unparalleled customer service, and their flexible proprietary software allow them to customize results to suit unique needs.


1920, 401 – 9th Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 3C5
Tel: 001 403 266 9500

GLJ Petroleum Consultants Involvement with the Council


Come and meet GLJ at Mexico Assembly

Female Influencer In Energy

Caralyn Bennett – EVP & Chief Strategy Officer

Meet the Speaker - WECA 2019

Chad Lemke, COO