Laurance Narbut

Laurance Narbut

Laurance Narbut Managing Partner, Acceleration Resources Mr. Narbut is the Managing Partner of Acceleration Resources and is directly responsible for all aspects of the investment process. Mr. Narbut brings a combination of private and public equity investing...
Ernesto Diaz

Ernesto Diaz

Diaz Ernesto Country Manager Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ernesto Diaz is Wood Mackenzie’s Country Manager for LA Southern Cone. In this position, Mr. Diaz oversees the overall development of the business in Argentina, Chile, Perú and Uruguay and also...
Nicolas Petreanu

Nicolas Petreanu

Nicolas Petreanu Founder & CEO of Endriven Nicolás Petreanu founded EnDriven in 2004, and has served as the company’s President and CEO since then. He has 20 years of experience in the Energy and Finance Industries. In addition, Nicolas serves as President and CEO...
Tony Hayward

Tony Hayward

Tony Hayward Chairman, Genel Energy Tony Hayward was appointed to the Board as Non-Executive Director on 2 June 2011 and as an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer on 21 November 2011. Skills and experience: Tony is the interim Non-Executive Chairman at...